Brief Introduction of Internship

An internship is
· A work experience allied to a student's major and/or career aim
· An experience that should boost a student's academic, career, and personal development
· Administered by a professional in the field
· An experience that can be one academic tenure or multiple academic terms in length
· Paid or unpaid, part-time or full-time
· An experience that is jointly agreed upon by the student, supervisor and faculty member
Benefits of an Internship
One of the periodic themes in any entry-level job search is lack of experience. "Where do I get experience if no one is willing to hire me without one?" The answer is simple: Get an internship!
Students planning to get a permanent job should accompany their academic preparation with a range of other experiences, such as study in a foreign country, public service, undergraduate research experiences, involvement in sports and other student organizations, membership in pre-professional organizations, and internships.
An internship offers you a platform to learn by doing the task in a real-world where you are supervised by a work-place professional and have the opportunity to achieve your own learning goals, without the accountabilities of being a permanent employee.
An internship also offers you the opportunity to work with someone professional in his/her who can become a mentor for you - not only in the internship but during the course of your career.
Career Exploration
· Study about a career field from the inside and decide if this is the right career field for you
· Work alongside a professional in your preferred career area
· Observe the workplace, in addition, to see if it matches expectations
Leadership and Skill Development
· Learn new skills and enhance your knowledge base while gaining confidence in your capabilities
· Opportunity to exercise communication and teamwork skills
· Gain industry knowledge first hand from an organization and experts
· Provide evidence that you have initiative, are dependable and have a sense of responsibility
· Apply some of the concepts learned in school and colleges and provide a passage between school and the professional world
· Achieve a sense of triumph by contributing to an organization
Networking and Establishing Mentors and References
· Come across new people and rehearsal networking skills while establishing a network of professional contacts, mentors, and references
· Open to door to guidance on the next steps to take on your career path
Resume Enhancements
· Gain treasured experience and accomplishments to add to your resume and/or boost your application to graduate school
· Create an advantage over other jobs or graduate school applicants and be one step ahead of everyone.
· Potential for a permanent job offer at the end of the internship based on your performance and acquired skills.